Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Tales Of Nathan The Gallant - Chapter 05; The Concert. THE Smile. The Run.

Just a heads up; This article contains lots of Taylor Swift related-ness :D

Hahah sorry for the delay guys. New post was due to be released last weekend... But got caught up in.... TAYLOR SWIFT CONCERT !!! WOOP WOOP ~!!!!

Omg it was sooooo good hahah. Infact; 'sooooo good' doesn't even begin to describe how good it was !! The only way I could express how I truly felt is if I got every single positive word like "awesome" and "epic" and "pwnage" and combined them all together to make a super ultimate word. It's a pity that word hasn't been invented yet. Yes my friends, that is how good it was. Lmaooo XP
Unfortunately my homogenous computer wont connect to the computer, so I can't upload any photos or videos of the concert. Though it was the only concert I've ever been to, it was the best.
Reasons as to why it was so good ? Here XP ;;

-> It's Taylor Swift :D

-> She's really good live. Just as good, if not better, than her studio stuff

-> It's Taylor Swift:D

-> Got front row spots in the mosh pit. @ Times, I was only an arms length away from her :D unfortunately, I didn't get to touch her D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
@ Some stage, in the videos, you can hear me yelling "COME CLOSER BIATCH !!! YOU'RE MINE !!!" But she didn't come closer D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:

-> It's Taylor Swift :D

-> Did I mention 'cuz it's Taylor Swift ? If not, I'll mention it now :P

-> It's Taylor Swift :D

But these front row mosh pit spots weren't free. No, for there is justice in the world... Haha 'had to line up for 7 hours :D Believe it or not, I was not the first one there. There had a been a whole pack of girls who had been lining up since 5 in the mornin' .... =.="
Hahah in conclusion; Great time with Lydia :P Sure Sarah and Emily and Lydia and Emily and EVERYONE ELSE who went would agree !!

Hmmmkays, so, lately, whenever I got to buy lunch from my school canteen, I get Hot Cheese Rolls, which are basically Hot Dog Rolls, filled with hot melted cheese. The reason i get these, is because... Well, basically, I'm Asain, and these are like only "$1.50". I emphasized $1.50 because the canteen sells these hot cheese rolls for $1.50, and everyone else gets them for $1.50, BUT, I get mine for $1.00-$1.20 :D
You must be wondering why I get such a discount !!?
&& The simple answer is; because of my smile, OR THE Smile !! DUN DUN DUN *fully sick and wicked(wicked, wicked, the jungle is massive, wicked, wicked, the jungle is massive) suspenseful music*
How THE Smile works...;;
Step 1.) SMILE, but it's gotta be a subtle kinda smile. Not a big pedo one.
Step 2.) There is no step 2.
The only thing is that I've tried explaining this to Neryan and Ramit and Joe, but I just don't think they've got it in 'em.
I reckon' if there was a So You Think You Can Smile(SYTYCS), I'd totally win, hahah XP

Well, a while back, if you remember, I was trying to teach Victor what it means to keep promises, and I promised that I would try to run the entire cross country, straight. For most fit, or atleast not-lazy-bums like me, running it straight is a piece of cake. Unfortunately I'm a fatass, and cannot be bothered to get up in the morning and start training. As a result, I will probs have to gun it, destroying my body in the process...
But I really don't wanna kill my body, but backing out isn't an option, so I'm sorta in an epic fail dilema... hmmm what would thou do ?

That is all.

Thanks for reading everyone ! Please comment and/or follow if you haven't already, THANKS !

Nathan, out !