Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Tales Of Nathan The Gallant - Chapter 02; Satan & Vampires & Werewolves & Other Mythological BS

Today, I shall share my near-death-experience with Ben and expand a little more on my hatred for the current twilight craze, enjoy ! :P Chapter 02 !

Ben/Satan/Lord Voldemort/He Who We Prefered To Not Be Named/(Anything else which can be associated with angry, atrocious, bad, baneful, base, beastly, calamitous, corrupt, damnable, depraved, destructive, disastrous, execrable, flagitious, foul, harmful, hateful, heinous, hideous, iniquitous, injurious, loathsome, low, maleficent, malicious, malignant, nefarious, no good, obscene, offensive, pernicious, poisonous, rancorous, reprobate, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, spiteful, stinking, ugly, unpleasant, unpropitious, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked, wrathful, wrong, and the list goes on) as shown bellow, can only be described as the root of all evil. ROFLMAO :)
Please note, that this is only an assumption of what he looks like, as no being has ever seen his face, lived to tell the tale, and draw/take a picture. And, yes, of course I've tried taking a picture, except whenever his face shows up on my camera screen, the camera burns to ashes and the screen + lens shatter into millions of microscopic shards. In addition, my Facebook refuses to load his profile picture, thank god for that ! :D So, unaware of his true form and image, I have been able to construct the following illustration of Ben;
(I hope you's can understand the picture ! :P)
& Now, that near death experience I shared with him. Me and some others, Neryan, Peter, Koray and Victor (I think) playing a game called "Attempt to stare at Ben's face for more that 20 seconds without crying". My near death experience - I played the game. I lasted about 10-15 seconds and tears started to form in my eyes, and at that point, I gave up. Hahah lmao, so fail ! I don't think anyone was able to actually complete that task, so it ended out as a draw ! :D

So they to only air Astroboy in 3 locations around Australia, but they air frkn New Moon in EVERY cinema, with session times about 15-30 mins apart ! That's like 1000 sessions a day, over the entire vicinity of Australia. What an outrage :@
It strikes me as odd, as to how men could be enticed by such childish writing and fail storyline. It's about some ugly whore who falls in love with with a vampire and goes off to have a little cry. She then finds yet ANOTHER mythological animal shape shifting thing, which she falls in love with too. FRKIN' MAKE UP YOUR MIND, FOOL ! & Some other stuff happens, but nothing really interesting and they all become friends again. In other words, it's a love story[baby just say yes ! (8)], a very fail one at that too, and that's only good when its a song, e.g. Taylor Swift - Love Story. & That is the truth. I'm almost positive New Moon would attract more fans if they simply nuked the town they lived in, so everyone died. Then, there would be none of this lovey dovey BS, and it would attract guys/haters. Nukes :D Haters, like I, would come to watch these noobs get nuked :P. I also hope that, many fans of the twilight saga will watch the new movie - New Moon - only to be disappointed, as movies <>Yes, i did just say liking the twilight saga was WRONG.

Now, here is how they appeal to girls;
  1. Get a few buff men, with acting talents which can easily be mistaken for
  2. Take their shirts off
  3. Make them run around without their shirts
  4. Show as much naked-ness in trailers to entice fan girls
  5. Sell lots of merchandise with pictures of them, naked.
  6. The end
If you haven't realized, lots of it involves the main guys being naked.

Dear; some NOOBS from my class
"The tradition of organized competitive chess started in the 16th country. Chess today is a recognized sport of the International Olymic Committee."
Straight from wiki :D

Thanks for reading ~! :D
Don't forget to follow and share your thoughts - commenting ! :P
(By request, again) Sarah is awesome and brightens (i) up my day, cause she's awesome ! :P

Nathan, out !


  1. ahhhhhhhh

    this is funny;;

    [and it says alisa, but its actually bianca, i just felt like commenting...]

  2. ahahahaha, very nice nathan, i dare you to not include anything about Taylor Swift or Naruto in your next blog.
    P.S i had to freakin make a google accout for this!! this is an outrage!

  3. hahah The Tales Of Nathan The Gallant is a reference to naruto... so i already failed :P
    haha tys (Y)
